Submit Stories & Photos

All sorts of stories about early Lincoln Co. and old photos are welcome.

For photos of graves, it is best to use Find-a-Grave.  Just sign up at It doesn't cost anything. The homepage for Find-a-Grave is here:  Find a Grave

Or if you want to save yourself the trouble, send me the photo and whatever you'd like to have recorded, and I will take care of it. 

Whether a photo or a story, go to my profile on this page and find my email address. Make your subject line say something about Lincoln Co. so I will be sure to notice it.



  1. Wayne, good morning from Wyoming. I am working on history of my great grandfather s Conklin and Hoffman from Sac and Fox Reservation. Can you help me in anyway? Cell: 203.331.6710 and home 307.733.6603. Thank you for your time. It is a writing project I have worked on now for a few years.
    Virginia Lynch Dean

  2. Virginia, did I ever reply to your note? I meant to but may not have. Let me know and I will.
