Fourteen Lords of Misrule: Presidents I Have Known


Drawing by Thomas Nash

Fourteen I have endured--I know--I counted them.

Born post-war in a world of sorrow and sin

I saw FDR gone two years by the time I come in

I hope these notes will not offend

Anyone who admires those who ascend

Myself, I can’t say I like any of them

And certainly I ‘m not writing to tease ya

Just talking the United States of Amnesia

Harry S. Truman-- Harry the Haberdasher 

the man who bombed Japan

prayed over it, found it good, and did it again

liked it so well he with Dean Acheson made

the National Security State, with which I am coeval

perpetual war for perpetual peace and no retrieval

Dwight Eisenhower--better known as I-like-Ike

Born in Denison, raised in Abilene

where the houses are far apart

read the Bible at his mother’s knee

two other Prexies were commanding generals before him

George Washington and Ulysses S. Grant

the one lost every battle he fought

the other drowned in a ring of whiskey vats

Though Ike’s parting words came too late

He warned us of the military-industrial state

John F. Kennedy--now Jack was a charming man, 

gave brilliant talks but never did anything

except send the first troops to Viet Nam

and inspire a song by Son House

Now this I agree, [they] had a great family

They all seemed so happy and gay

From adults to a child, they all seem-to-have a smile

They must a been born that way

His never-tried and still un-punished murder shames us

But it made Lee Harvey Oswald famous.

Lyndon B. Johnson, JFK’s Vice, played the bait-and-switch politician

did good things for Civil Rights but came unhinged

with 8 million tons of bombs over Vietnam he binged

but if he failed to defoliate the country

it wasn’t because he hadn’t tried

he gave us Agent Orange the miracle herbicide

Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today

Richard Nixon, Tricky Dick, like his friend Joe McCarthy

made public office exposing Communist Bacardi

the largest tv audience ever reached

heard Checkers the dog bark at his master’s speech

For Dick, ‘72 should have been a shoo-in

McGovern was giving draft dodgers "amnesty, abortion and acid"

Now Dickie was not Adam the first in history

to bite the apple of greed, tempted and deceived

But at Watergate just for spite, 

The devil made him take a bite

And that's where Dickie Met his Waterloo

Gerald Ford, the football president, Mr. Nice Guy,

came from Omaha where the Huskers are king

played the game with the Michigan Wolverines

with Nixon out of the way

presided over the worst economy in four decades

the only Eagle Scout to have made the Presidency

throughout his life he attended Michigan games

LBJ said Ford was so dumb he couldn’t fart and chew gum 

multi-tasking was not his el-e-ment

he’d played too much football without a hel-e-ment

Jimmy Carter--shot himself in the foot daily, the peanut farmer

pardoned all the draft dodgers when he shoulda known better

his ratings have improved since he left office

96 years old now and retired the past forty

he is the oldest living president

all agree he’s done a better job out of office 

now that he’s grown worty

Ronald Reagan--the Empire of Evil, the teflon Gipper

he gypped the frying pan of all the shit that should stick

throughout his film career his mother answered the fan mail

he did 400 training films for the Air Force, including 

cockpit simulations for B-29 crews scheduled to bomb Japan.

as the host of General Electric Theater, a series of weekly dramas. 

He toured GE war plants 16 weeks a year, 

and sometimes demanded that he give 14 talks per day

include one prophetically called “A Turkey for President”

He got actors black-listed for being thought pink

(Tho here I’m reminded if I can tell you what I think

Imitating the great communicator’s anecdotal style:

When they asked Woody Guthrie whether he was pink

He replied, “I don’t know about pink

but I been in the red all my life.”)

Then Dutch hosted and performed on Death Valley Days

Opposed food stamps and declared

Medicare would spell the end of free American ways.

It would be the last push. 

His Vice when he ran in ‘80 was George the Elder Bush

George H. W. Bush the last cold warrior, Papa Bush

former director of the CIA, usually called Bush Senior or Bush 41 

to distinguish him from his eldest son.

He presided over the invasion of Panama doing things his way

where they captured America’s favorite drug king Noriega

and he got us into the Gulf War killing Iraquis

who were keeping us away from our oil in Kuwait

One of his sons Jeb Bush became governor of Florida

and saved the presidency for Dubya

when he came up short on the vote

Don’t think Big Bush was any man’s fool

after slaying the the Iraquis he supported prayer in schools

With China after the massacre in Tiananmen Square

it was business as usual, a ballgame with no umpire

ushering in the New World Order,

new naming the old American Empire

Bill Clinton, known as Slick Willie, was the first black president

Bubba couldn’t keep his pants zipped up.

Which should not have counted against him.

In Europe politicians pride themselves on sexual prowess

But not in the old Christ-haunted United States of Amnesia. 

After all, scripture does not tell us that Jesus ever ejaculated.

Bubba did good things for poor folks and had a budget surplus,

though they just about impeached his ass for Monica Lewinsky.

His step father was a bum and abused Willie on whiskey.

On the same side of the ledger, he is husband to Hillary. 

Bubba announced that, if Hillary won, 

voters would be getting two presidents "for the price of one."

George W. Bush, Little Bush, Dubyah the Dumb,

No poet can hope to match the man’s delirium, 

so here come the quotations:

Rarely is the question asked is our children learning?

Will the highways of the Internet become more few?

They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.

I know that the human being and the fish can coexist.

Families is where our nation finds hope, 

where our wings take dream.

Our nation must come together to unite. 

If we blew each other up, the world would be safe.

We’re making the right decisions 

to bring the solution to an end.

You can’t take the high horse and then claim the low road

I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers

for myself, but for predecessors as well

They misunderestimated me, this issue 

doesn’t seem to resignate with the people.

I think we agree, the past is done with entire.

Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!

No-Drama Obama, Dump Trump, and Coffee Joe Biden--

Avatars too fresh in mind to deserve comment. 

The only thing I have not noted

Is that in all my life I’ve never voted.

On chaos I’ll quote Alexander Pope:

“Thy hand, great Anarch, lets the curtain fall 

And universal darkness covers all.”

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